Thursday 4 March 2010

Light at the end of the tunnel

A rare day off and what seemed to be a rare chance to walk The Brampton Valley Way. Setting off at 7.30 in the morning with clear blue skies a low sun almost blinding to the eyes but if I closed them I am content to hear the beautiful dawn chorus gracing from the still cold air.
A pair of bullfinch’s caught my eye, I stopped for the photo opportunity as a man walking his dog stands next to me. I point out what was grasping my attention, he nodded and told me about a spot where he walks which is off the track and close to the river where he has befriended a robin with a handful of bird seed he carries with him, he said the Robin almost eats it out of his hand. I have been told that Robin is a sign that a lost love one is with you I remain slightly sceptical regarding this as well if you see a white feather close to you. As my partner has recently lost her mother and I have lost both my parents some years before I find some comfort they could be still around..
Further on I passed Waterloo Farm close to Oxendon tunnel I looked up to the trees above me to see three pairs of Bullfinch the males with there bright red chests and there less colourful partners were picking at the buds on the twigs. I stood for a while watching them also a Blue Tit was in the area singing to others and a white feather floats down to the ground which makes me think of what I have been told.
I walked towards the tunnel and the air became cold due to the wind blowing down the 418 metre shaft. I looked through the tunnels murky depths I could see a solitary figure stood the other side, I began to think my Dad would of loved this place. A Robin is close by I smiled to and thought to myself, what a day there is life at the end of the tunnel…

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