Wednesday 1 September 2010

Brampton Valley Way. Walked it, snapped it, blogged it..

I'm very pleased to announce I have completed the Brampton Valley Way 16 miles to be precise. That's two long tunnels, numerous bridges and benches some have memorials carved on them in memory of loved ones. I have decided I will have a bench made when I am gone I want mine engraved with the words " Walked it, snapped it, blogged it"......


  1. Well done on completing the walk :) I like the potential engraving for the seat but I hope it will be a very, very long time before it appears! Lovely pics of the Brimstone too.

    I have just caught up with the posts I have missed and enjoyed all the photos of the butterflies etc.

  2. Thankyou. It is good to see you back on your blog. I hope you are feeling better.
    The walk was quite easy in comparison to some walks I have done. I will put some more photos on soon.
    Take Care
    p.s I have every intention to staying around for along time but I do like the idea of a bench sometime....

  3. I have bookmarked your blog, the articles are way better than other similar blogs.. thanks for a great blog!
