Monday 18 October 2010

Monday morning feeling

Mushroom on the way

I took the chance booking the day off work a few weeks ago. Thankfully there was clear skies above and abundance of things to see. Blue tits and Long tail tits still proved to be allusive but could be clearly heard in the hedgerows. A buzzard and Kestrel on the wing were a welcome sight also along the way while chatting to ladies out birdwatching. We discussed what we had seen such as a Heron in a nearby field we thought possibly looking for worms as was the Buzzard. In the woods close to Waterloo farm mushrooms protruded from there leafy hideaway around the tree roots. The woods would make a good wildlife nature trail with a bird hide as suggested to the landowner this morning.
It's Sloe time soon again I  look forward to producing more this year. I plan to make a label this time and call it Sloe Walkers Gin.

Sloe Walkers gin coming soon

Mushrooms in the woods

Starting to see the birds better now the leaves are starting to fall

Geese on Waterloo lakes

Oxeye Daisy's still around

mushrooms not sure what kind yet.

Nice to see a Buzzard on the wing

Old beans left in the field.


  1. An enjoyable and very nicely illustrated walk and the previous post about John Morton was interesting too!

  2. Thankyou very much for your comments. Iam trying to expand the blog to whats on and around brampton valley way. I have found some intresting places to visit so watch this space. Take care.. colin
