Thursday 17 March 2011

March 17

Step up and beyond

Taken near the lakes at Waterloo leisure

Evidence of times past
A walk in the afternoon sunshine was a welcome treat. Plenty of birds could be seen and heard, a Red tailed kite was seen in the distance, a Buzzard was being chased away by crows away from there nests. Also I found evidence of times past with the weighty track couplings to the side of the walkway.


  1. Just been doing some catching up with your latest posts. I am very envious of the Bullfinch photo and sighting, I have only seen one fleetingly in the last three years and before that not for years!

    Congratulations on your forthcoming wedding :)

    I hate to admit it but I just about remember (like the gentleman you mentioned on the previous post) as a small child playing in the fields and being enveloped by steam as the trains ran past on the ironstone railway which is now disused and a wonderful place to walk and enjoy Nature.

  2. Hi I have seen about six pairs of Bullfinchs around here they are one of my favourites as well as Goldfinch and Long tail tits.
    Im really envious of being covered in steam by a passing steam train I might have to find somewhere I can do it.
